Institute of Theology

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Invitation to Scholars - دعوة للباحثين

The Centre invites outstanding researchers in various fields of the Humanities, as well as writers (especially novelists, playwrights, and poets), to submit manuscripts aligned with the Centre’s aims and objectives, or to submit their proposals along with their CVs.


يدعو المركز الباحثين في مختلف حقول الانسانيات والأُدباء (خصوصاً في الرواية والمسرح والشعر) لإرسال مخطوطاتهم ومشاريعهم المنطلقة من أهداف المركز، مع سيرة ثقافية مختصَرة.

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Saint John of Damascus Institute of Theology
The University of Balamand

Address: Monastery of Balamand, PO Box 100, Tripoli, Lebanon
Tel: 00961 (0) 6 930 305 - Fax: 00961 (0) 6 930 304
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