Institute of Theology

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Projects - العمل الحالي

- Several books will be published in 2025.
- Scholars will carry out a number of projects, including books, papers, and articles, on topics related to the Centre’s areas of interest.
- An international conference will be organized, with the topic to be announced later.
- Materials for the two journals will be prepared.


- نشر مجموعة كتب خلال 2025.
- تكليف عدد من الباحثين وضع كتب ودراسات ومقالات ضمن أهداف المركز واهتماماته.
- تنظيم مؤتمر دولي حول موضوع يُعلَن عنه لاحقاً.
- إعداد مواد للمجلتين الصادرتين عن المركز.

You are here: Home About Us Saab Cultural Centre Projects - العمل الحالي
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Saint John of Damascus Institute of Theology
The University of Balamand

Address: Monastery of Balamand, PO Box 100, Tripoli, Lebanon
Tel: 00961 (0) 6 930 305 - Fax: 00961 (0) 6 930 304
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