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Pastoral Journey of the Choir

Pastoral Journey of St. John of Damascus Choir
March 28-30, 2003


1- Choir Celebrating the Akathist Hymn
(Laudations of the Theotokos) in Lattakia

St. John of Damascus Choir
Chanting the Akathist of the Theotokos
at the St. George Cathedral in Lattakia,
in the presence of Metropolitan Youhanna Mansour of Lattakia, Metropolitan George Khodre of Mount Lebanon, Bishop John Yazigi, Dean of Balamand Theological School, and a large number of crowds



 Metropolitan GEORGE Khodre of Mount Lebanon (presiding), nest to Metropolitan YOUHANNA Mansour of Lattakia and


The Dean, Bishop JOHN Yazigi




2- Visiting Tartous Region

St. John of Damascus Choir visited Tartous,
its churches and museum, in the company
of His Grace Bishop Basilios of Tartous, and the Youth from the region.



Inside the Museum



The Museum of Tartous



Lunch on the shores of the Mediterranean Sea in Tartous


3- Visiting Our Lady of Blemana Convent

The Choir also visited the Convent of Our Lady of Blemana, and celebrated Vespers
in the church of the Convent and met the Abbess Mother Makrina Eskaf


On the Gates of the Convent


At Vespers, presided by Bishop JOHN Yazigi



4- The Choir Celebrates Liturgy in Homs

On Sunday Morning, the choir visited Homs and its Archpastor,
Metropolitan George Abou Zakham of Homs,
and celebrated Divine Liturgy in the Church of Sts. Peter and Paul





Choir during the Divine Liturgy



With Metropolitan George Abou Zakham of Homs


5- The Choir Resided at St. George Al-Humayrah Monastery

During its pastoral journey, the choir resided the night of Friday-Saturday & Saturday-Sunday at the St. George Al-Humayrah Patriarchal Monastery in Talkalkh, Homs

An inner view of the Monastery
The Church of St. George

Choir Members in one of the Rooms


6- Byzantine Music Concert in Damascus: The Passion of Our Lord

Sunday Evening was a special time for the faithful in Damascus. St. John of Damascus Choir held  an evening concert of Byzantine Music centered on the theme of the Passion of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
The concert was attended by a large number of faithful,  Bishops of the Patriarchate,
in addition to the Greek Ambassador in Damascus


The Patriarchal Vicar, Bishop Ghattas Hazim addressing the faithful after the Concert



The audience (front row): Bishop Ghattas, Bishop Moussa, Mr. Papaioannou (greek Ambassador in Damascus) and the Dean Bishop John



A Group Picture of the Choir with the distinguished audience. Second row from left: Archimandrite Seraphim, Archimandrite Isaac, Bishop John, Bishop Ghattas, Mr. Basilios Papaioannou (Greek Ambassador in Syria, Bishop Moussa, Mr. Habib Lawand, and Archimandrite Makarios.


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The University of Balamand

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